I’m always interested in how famous people answer that question.
The titles are usually so impressive… weighty tomes, classics, and always a foreign author (ala Gabriel Garcia Marquez) in the mix.
Hardly anyone famous admits to having “V is for Vengeance” on the nightstand.
Not me. I am entertained by Sue Grafton’s alphabet soup mysteries (especially the sound recordings). I discovered Sue (and John Irving, Laura Lippman, Louise Penny and so many more) the way I find all my books: at the library.
It’s like winning the lottery when I find my favorite authors waiting for me on the new books shelf.
And I love to find new authors I somehow missed learning about through book reviews.This year’s find was Jeffrey Eugenides. I picked up a sound recording of his book “The Marriage Plot.” It was 18 CDs, took me two renewals to get through it, and I liked it so much that I looked him up on the fiction shelves and found his Pulitzer Prize winner “Middlesex.” Liked that one even better.
I feel guilty that I don’t buy books very often. Then again, I can’t afford my reading addiction. I looked at my library account online recently; I’ve checked out 750 books since 2002, and probably 100 of those were sound recordings. That’s easily $10,000 saved.
I'm not a total literary cheapskate. I sprung for a Sunday New York Times subscription this year, and I have really enjoyed reading online all week and getting the magazine and Book Reviews on Sunday. I want to help authors make a living, so I’m buying some books as presents this year, and saving up for when Carol’s book comes out.
One of my Christmas gifts this year is a donation to my local library (which will be matched by my company thank you very much). I go there every three weeks and pick up at least 10 books, enjoy a few minutes of book talk with my favorite librarian. Of course her name is Marian. (Three points if you know that reference.)
My book mining has been in a drought lately. I'm number 675 on the wait list of "Gone Girl" and my luck has let me down, I need some new authors to fish for. What was your favorite book this year?
But before you comment, take a minute to watch this video about a library that won its fight against the Tea Party. It was one of my favorite stories this year.
I have a kindle and I read free books exclusively now. I used to pay for hardcovers from my favorite authors as soon as they came out. At least it was at BJs so there was some savings. Now I subscribe to 2 sources that give me about 20 free books to choose from everday. I currenly have 81 books on my Kindle that I have not read yet! All are from authors I have never read before or authors that I discovered in one of my freebies. But, I too will buy Carol's book as soon as it comes out, even if it is printed on paper!
ReplyDeleteJulie V
Julie, what are the two sources you suscribe to for free book choices?
DeleteJulie, I was thrilled that you turned me onto Pixel of Ink and save those free books for Kindle reading when I travel. But I still prefer the comfort of a hard back book.
Carol, they are ereadernewstoday.com and pixelofink.com
DeleteJulie V
thanks, Julie
DeleteChris,more fun books I read this year, The School of Essential Ingredients and it's sequel, The Art of Mixing
ReplyDeleteChris, could the reference be Marian Engel's most famous and controversial novel Bear (1976), a tale of erotic love between a librarian and a bear?? Which, I never read and only know, because I googled it.
ReplyDeleteNope... that's a good one, but not the one I was thinking of. I'll save my answer until more people weigh in on Marrrrrrrion....
Delete(That's a hint.)
My latest passion is reading and promoting Indie Authors. Many of them are NOT in libraries. But most libraries loan kindles now so you might have access that way. Some of my favorites this year: COMING OF AGE...AGAIN, Carol Mizrahi; I.O.U. SEX, Sandra Nachlinger/Sandra Allen; SHADOW CAY, Leona Bodie; NO GOOD LIKE IT IS, McKendrie Long. Hope everyone will consider exploring some great writing by Indies. Most downloads are resonable, some are free.
ReplyDeleteJacquie, Thanks for the tips. I read Shadow Cay, I'm pretty sure from my library. Will look for these authors.
Marian the Librarian from the Music Man???
ReplyDeleteJulie V
Yes, of course, you got it. Not surprised. Tried to reply earlier but it did not got through on my iPhone.
DeleteJulie V. is correct! Your reference was to Marian the Librarian from The Music Man. Such a fun show. ("What can I say, my dear, to make it clear? I love you badly, madly, Madame Librarian!) I'm currently reading "The Kingmaker's Daughter" by Philippa Gregory. Love everything that woman writes! "The Kitchen House" is next on my list.
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed that a youngster like you knew the reference to the Music Man. Probably because you are a Music Ma'aam? Thanks for the Phillippa Gregory tip.
DeleteHm. I've read a lot this year. Currently I'm reading a memoir by Wade Rouse, which I borrowed electronically from my library. It's very funny, along the lines of David Sedaris. I've read Anne Lamott's two new books and LOVED them both. Read Gone Girl. It's good, but you can wait for it. Pack of Two, a memoir about a woman and her dog. Might not be the right time for that one for you, Chris. Oh, and My Life in France, by Julia Child. Also very good.
ReplyDeleteJulie, I'll look for Rouse. Pack of Two sounds good too. Carol just gave me "The Art of Racing in the Rain," with the same advice that it might be too soon since Max. I will have a long wish list at my library. Merry Christmas.